
Text to Give

Text the word “Give” to:

Give your donation by sending a text. Using your mobile device, text the word “give” to 904.513.9400 . A text reply will give you the link to a one-time setup page. Follow the instructions to set up all future gifts. Save 904.513.9400 in your address book. Thereafter, giving is as easy as sending a text, taking only seconds.

After the One-Time Registration:

  • To give $100, text “give 100”. For $50, text “give 50”. Any amount works after the word “give”.
  • To see a list of other available designations, text “give list 10” to give $10 to the designation of your choice.

All donations through Text2Give are attached to your non-profit’s giving record.

If you prefer to give online, then click the button below. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Text the word “Give” to:

Give your donation by sending a text. Using your mobile device, text the word “give” to 904.513.9400 . A text reply will give you the link to a one-time setup page. Follow the instructions to set up all future gifts. Save 904.513.9400 in your address book. Thereafter, giving is as easy as sending a text, taking only seconds.

After the One-Time Registration:

  • To give $100, text “give 100”. For $50, text “give 50”. Any amount works after the word “give”.
  • To see a list of other available designations, text “give list 10” to give $10 to the designation of your choice.

All donations through Text2Give are attached to your non-profit’s giving record.

If you prefer to give online, then click the button below. Thank you for your generosity and support.


To cultivate creation by means of gardens and the Gospel in order to feed the hungry, make disciples and restore hope.